"Sapphire and Faded Jeans tells the story of a girl with eyes the color of rich sapphire. She is wise, has impeccable intuition and is finally starting to see the crystal vision with clarity. Her path was always destined, yet there was a long journey to align with it energetically. Day after day, she met at the shoreline to cast her wishes to the sea, wearing nothing but her heart on her sleeve and some faded jeans."
This collection is the backbone of Soul and Bones. These are the simple pieces you can wear all day every day and layer with any jewelry set. I want to see you guys wearing the jewelry to surf, go to the gym, skate, practice yoga, swim at Barton Springs, roll around in your faded jeans at the beach on a warm summer night! They have been created to be your staple "go-tos." Your favorite necklace you can always count on to look good & match with everything in your closet.
The intention with the design and promotion around the collection was to evoke a feeling of nostalgia. Like you've known this brand, these jewelry pieces forever. Let that Moonstone Girl's BFF Necklace become a part of who you are, a part of your Soul & Bones.
- Bri
Sapphire & Faded Jeans has gone on to become our "Bare Bones" Collection. Different name, same meaning.